The transportation of horses for leisure purposes can be organised via condorferries.com. At Condor Freight we can help you with horse movements for commercial purposes.
Horses can be transported via our high-speed or conventional ferry services (but remember high-speed vehicle limits are 7.5m in length, 3.1m high and 7 tonnes in weight).
A consignment note must be completed and supplied 24 hours prior to sailing, and a copy of the horse passport and a cover letter stating the purpose of travel will also be required. For commercial sale an invoice of sale is also required 24 hours prior to sailing.
Transporting horses between the UK and Channel Islands requires a customs declaration stating the horse’s name and the studbook passport number of the animal travelling, regardless of whether the visit is for leisure or commercial purposes.
If you’re transporting horses between the UK and France a valid health certificate will be required 24 hours prior to sailing.